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Q: How do you make heroin from over the counter pills that contain codeine?
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Is there synthetic heroin in sleeping pills?

No. There is no heroin in any over-the-counter or prescription sleeping pills. Heroin is almost never sold as anything else. Heroin is considered an opiate. Some opiates that are similar to heroin can be found in prescription painkillers, but not sleeping pills.

What is acetaminophen codeine pills?

I'm not sure how to answer this in any simpler terms than are used in the question. They're pills that contain both acetaminophen (which you may know as paracetamol instead) and codeine.

What is codeine composed of?

Codeine is composed of codeine. Obviously codeine pills will contain binders and filler. Sometimes pills containing codeine may contain Paracetamol or Ibuprofen. These are not directly related to Codeine but increase its ability to reduce pain when taken in combination.

What other pills can give the effect of opiates?

Many pills that are considered pain killers are opiates. For example, Vicodin, Demerol, Codeine, Hydrocodone, Heroin, Lorcet and Methadone are all considered to be opiates.

Is there codeine in ecstasy?

There are countless different types of Ecstasy, but it is most commonly cut with some form of speed (amphetamines or methamphetamines), cocaine, ketamine (Special K), or heroin or other opiates. Codeine is a mild opiate, so it is certainly possible that some Ecstasy pills are/have been cut with codeine.

Do equate stay awake pills contain amphetamine?

No, amphetamines are a controlled substance and are not for over the counter sales.

How many dormin pills to use on a gram of heroin?

50 pills

Where can I buy Codeine Promethazine from?

Codeine is rarely available over the counter. Some areas may allow the sale of a combination of Codeine and Promethazine over the counter. However, because of the strength and addictive qualities of codeine, you will have a hard time finding a pharmacist willing to carry it without a prescription. No place in the US . All control drugs off the shelf by 1960 , and now you must sign for cold pills.

What are the various drugs that fit into ecstasy?

'Good' pills will contain only MDMA or MDA, fillers, and binders. In reality, most pills are cut with caffeine or amphetamine. Some pills do not contain any MDMA or MDA at all. Some pills have small amounts of ketamine in them (though ingesting such a small amount would hardly do anything) Pills containing piperazines such as BZP and TFMPP are quite common in the US. They pose a danger as they throw the body's temperature control out of whack. Overheating is a problem. To counter some of the claims you may read, no pill has ever been found containing cocaine, and I believe only 1 pill has ever been found containing heroin.

What diet pills has methamphetamine?

no over the counter remedies contain methamphetamine, but the good doctor may prescribe dysoxin which is methampetamine. Good luck with your diet.

Are water pills over the counter dangerous?

Over the counter water pills, just like all other over the counter pills can be dangerous. You should always talk you your doctor before starting any medications.

Was Eminem on 'Heroin'?

No, he was never on hardcore drugs. He was only on sleeping pills and some other pills.(Ambien and Vicodin mostly)