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take a pregnancy test

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Q: How do you know if you are pregnant when you are on a pill where you only get your period four times a year?
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How do you know if pregnant?

You will know if you are pregnant if you miss your period.

How do you know if your pregnant if you have your period for 2-3 days?

If you have period you are not pregnant.

You are trying to get pregnant but your boyfriend doesnt know you have tried 2 times and it doesnt work why?

Most women get pregnant mid-way between their periods. You need to plan to have sex 12-15 days after your period. There are three or four days when your chances are excellent to get pregnant. Good luck.

How can you still can pregnant and get your period?

It is rare, but you can be pregnant and still get your period.

Is this the only why you know if you are pregnant is you skip your period?

Just because you skip your period, doesn't mean you are pregnant.

Do you have to wait to you period to know if your pregnant?


What if your period comes on and you is pregnant but you did'nt know you was pregnant what will happen?

Firstly I will say: I'm a guy but I will try to reassure you with the knowledge i know. if a female is pregnant she will not have here period (from what I know) and i have never heard of a case were a female would have her period when she is pregnant, the reason for this is because it is a common sign to check if you are pregnant. so my answer for you would be : that wouldn't happen

How do you know your not pregnant when you haven't got your period?

Take a pregnancy test. A missed period does not necessarily mean that you are pregnant. There are many reasons for missing a period.

Can you be pregnant if you used the MAP 4 times in a row and had a period a week late lasting 5 days?

I'm not sure what it means to use a MAP 4 times in a row, but I can with all certainty say that if you had your period (and know it was not just spotting but a true period, as it sound because it lasted 5 days) then that would mean you were not pregnant at that time.

How should you know if im pregnant?

Miss period?

How well you know when you will be able to get pregnant?

You will know that you can get pregnant after you start to have your period. it would as be a good thing to go to the doctors and ask them if you are able to become pregnant

That is wrong when you did not have your period for 2 months but you know you not pregnant?

Stress can cause the absence of a period.