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Well, first of all, how much of it is she taking? If she takes it only occasionally (like, a few times a year) then the health risks are very, very low. Drug use is not necessarily drug abuse (in other words, taking drugs doesn't necessarily make you a drug addict).

If she is taking it every weekend, then she might be developing an addiction, and if she takes it every day, then she is definitely addicted.

MDMA (Ecstasy) is not physically addictive -- meaning, a person who uses it on a regular basis will not suffer physical withdrawal symptoms when they quit. They won't get sick, the way an alcoholic or a heroin addict gets sick when they suddenly stop using.

However, like most drugs, it makes you feel really, really good, so it can be psychologically addictive: as with most drugs, regular users can build up a tolerance to it. Ecstasy works by releasing all of the serotonin (the chemical that controls your mood and sense of well-being) in your brain at once. This flood of serotonin is essentially what produces an Ecstasy high.

Since Ecstasy depletes your serotonin level, many people feel depressed, anxious, and generally unhappy for a day or so after using Ecstasy. This is called a "comedown." There is no way to replenish your serotonin level, besides waiting several weeks for your brain to fully replenish the serotonin by itself.

Users who cannot, or will not, wait that long to do Ecstasy again find that the drug doesn't have the same effect as it did before. Because their serotonin level is already low, the high is not as good as it was when their serotonin level was normal. So, they must take a double dose, or even a triple dose, to get the same high. If they continue on this way, they will eventually have to take massive doses of the drug, just to feel normal. This is what's known as a psychological addiction.

Some studies have suggested that long-term Ecstasy abuse may cause permanent brain damage. I think this is the first thing you should tell your friend. The most important thing is to let her know that you are not judging her, that you are only concerned about her health and well-being.

Research treatment options in your area (NA -- Narcotics Anonymous -- meetings are a good place to start, as they are free), so that when you confront her about it, you can give her options and suggestions, instead of just warnings and lectures.

People usually develop drug addictions because they are depressed and unhappy, and are self-medicating in order to feel better. Suggest that she see a doctor or psychiatrist; therapy plus the right anti-depressants can work wonders.

At least part of her depression could be a result of the Ecstasy itself. Explain to her how Ecstasy works, and how it depletes your serotonin level. Tell her that if she stops taking the Ecstasy for awhile, her brain will replenish her serotonin, and she will start feeling better.

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