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The best thing to do is go to a health food store immediately and buy a detoxification system (make sure it says it will detoxify your liver on package) they usually keep the drug detoxification kits behind the counter for stuff like this so you will have to ask, drink more water than you have ever drank in your life, drink coffee to highten your metabolism and do a lot of exercise, increasing your metabolism as well, this will increase the drugs ability to flush from your system quicker. Oh and try not to do drugs before the test.

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Suboxone, in an inpatient clinical setting, supervised by experts.

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Nothing. Detox takes time, and it takes what ever time is necessary for that person..

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Q: How do you get oxycodone out of your system faster?
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If you smoke oxycodone will it take less time to get out of your system then if you take it?

No. Oxycodone has a tendency to linger in a corpse.

Will flushing system with water take out signs of percocet faster?

I would say YES. According to my knowledge oxycodone takes about 5 days to disappear from the system and drinking large amounts of water should shorten this by at leat a day

If oxycodone is inhaled will it stay in your system just as long as ingested?

DO NO INHALE OXYCODONE! You aught to not smoke it, Jesus Christ!

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How long do oxycodone and oxycotin stay in your system?

3 Days

Can a lot of oxycodone kill you?

Yes. Too much Oxycodone causes an overdose. This overdose causes respiratory system failure, and you suffocate to death.

Will vinegar clean your system for xansx?

Yes, vinegar can be able to clean your system for Xansx.

If taking a drug test mouth swab how long does oxycodone take not to show up?

Yes, just because you dont take oxycodone orally doesnt mean your saliva doesnt contain the drug. If oxycodone is in your system then it will be detected in your saliva from a mouth swab. Depending on how much oxycodone you are taking, it can stay in your system for up to a few weeks or as little as a few days.

How long does a half of oxycodone stay in your system i heard not that long is that true?

Oxycodone, like other opiates, is testable in the urine for 72 hours as a general rule.

How long does it take for you to get a lot of oxycodone out of your system?

Yes. Want to know how long it stays in your system

Does green tea clean your system from oxycodone?

Green tea is known to be an effective antioxidant that also stimulates and improves digestion. However, for it to be used as a cleansing material to rid of your body of oxycodone is still under debate. Oxycodone is a lab-produced medicine, which has many known side effects. I do think for it to be able to clean your system, you have to stop taking the oxycodone. Drinking green tea for cleaning your system will be put to naught if a person insist on consuming foods or medicine that are proven to have negative effects on the body.