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Well, I've had them for 2.5 days and I'm still coughing up phlegm and feeling terrible - so it's not quick. I'm down for 7 days of Amoxcillin (250mg).

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Well it depends on your age.

0-3 is about 3-4 days;

4-10 is about 4-5 days;

11-18 is about 5-7;

19+ is about 7-10.

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Q: How do antibiotics work to cure a chest infection?
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Can AIDS be cured with antibiotics.?

No it can not.

Are antibiotics used to combat viral disease?

No, antibiotics are made for bacteria. A virus is something else all together. However, it is not uncommon for someone to be sick with a viral infection, such as the flu, and then get sick with a bacterial infection immediately after due to their immune system being stressed. In those cases, antibiotics may be given.

Can amoxicilian cure bladder infection?

Different germs cause different infections.Different antibiotics work against different germs.If the bladder infection is caused by a germ that reacts to Amoxycillin, then yes, it will work.BUT if the germ causing the bladder infection does not respond to Amoxycillin, then it will not cure the bladder infection. Another antibiotic will then have to be used.

Why do antibodies not work on flu?

Assuming the question is a typo for "Why do antibiotics not work on a flu?", the reason is quite simple. Influenza (Flu) is caused by a virus, not a bacteria or parasite. When you have an infection, and your doctor prescribes you antibiotics, they are working on a bacterial or parasitic infection, not a viral infection. Put quite simply, antibiotics are not effective whatsoever against viruses.

Cough For About A Month And Its A Ticklely Flemy Cough. GP Said It Was A Chest Infection So Gave Me AntiBiotics And They Didnt Work Went Back And Gave Me Stronger Onces And They Didnt Work. Any Ideas?

Go back to your dr.

Why are antibiotics not given unless a serious infection?

Bacteria can become immune to antibiotics and the antibiotics will not work in the future when you need them. They only work against bacteria and cold and flu are caused by viruses.

Can AIDS be treated with antibiotics?

False. There is no cure yet for AIDS. Antibiotics work on bacteria. So if an AIDS patient gets a secondary bacterial infection, it would be appropriate for them to take antibiotics to help with the bacterial infection. AIDS is caused by the HIV virus, so antibiotics would be ineffective for treatment of the AIDS itself, just secondary infections associated with the AIDS. They are especially prone to these because of the lowered ability of AIDS patients' immune systems to fight disease.

Why will antibiotics not cure a child of measles if they haven't had the MMR vaccine?

Antibiotics can only work against bacterium, whereas measles are caused by a virus.

Why could not take an antibiotic for a viral infection?

Antibiotics only work against BACTERIAL infections. A VIRAL infection is not a BACTERIAL infection. A bacteria is a small complex living cell - antibiotics kill bacteria A virus is a simple strand of DNA in a protein coat - antibiotics have no effect on viruses.

What types of foreign invaders do antibiotics attack?

Harmful bacteria. Antibiotics only work on bacteria infections, any viral infection it won't.

Can azithromycin250mg be used in humans for UTI?

Your doctor will determine which antibiotic you need - if you have old antibiotics lying around, you need to throw them away becauseYou didn't finish the antibiotics in the first place so there won't be enough to cure another infectionThe antibiotics won't work on just any old infection - you need to be a doctor to decide which will work for which infectionThey're probably expired anyway

Can pregnancy happened during urine infection?

Yes it can and if you eat antibiotics and is on the pill the pill will not work.