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It is usually either smoked, snorted, injected, or even taken as a suppository (anally) or pessary (vaginally). It can be used orally, but the effects are not as pronounced as with the other methods.

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The most common way is intravenously (injecting it directly into the blood), but the powdered form can also be inhaled; snorted (like cocaine) or mixed with tobacco or marijuana and smoked.

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Q: How can you use heroin?
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How do you test for heroin?

You test positive for morphine after you use heroin

What are the reasons that some people would use methadone and others can only tolerate LAAM?

methadone is a substitute for heroin. it taakes away the cravings from heroin and u should not use methadone & heroin cuz depending on the mg of methadone your on the methadone blocks the heroin when you do it (heroin)..

Are there people who use heroin responsibly and without becoming addicted?

No. Heroin is extremely addictive. There is no such thing as using heroin responsibly.

Can heroin hurt you?

Heroin will almost certainly hurt you if you use it; it is addictive, it is a powerful narcotic, and many people have died of heroin overdoses.

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There are many dangers of the use of heroin, as it is a very hard drug and can get people very addicted and dependent on its use. The dangers of heroin are overdoses, rotting teeth, heart diseases, lung cancer and infections.

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Ecstasy and heroin are both very dangerous and addictive drugs. Do not use them.

Is clonazepam synthetic heroin?

Clonezepam is in a class of drugs known as benzodiazepines, and heroin is a semi-synthetic opioid. So no, clonazepam is not synthetic heroin. Oxycontins is a form of synthetic heroin. In a way Methadone is as well, though the main use for methadone is to taper off heroin.

Why might someone use heroin?

a lot of reasons. a lot of excuses. to fill an empty void. to feel good. to escape reality. because, for kids, it's easier to get than alcohol. although heroin is highly addictive, not everyone who uses heroin becomes addicted. a lot of people who use heroin are chippys and use it occasionally without become physically addicted.