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The message from the hormone is amplified many times within the cell

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Q: How can a hormone that is present in very small quantities within the bloodstream elicit such a response?
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How can a hormone that is present in very small quantities within the bloodstream elicit such a large response within a cell?

Hormones act as chemical messengers, binding to receptors on cell surfaces to trigger specific signaling pathways within the cell. Even at low concentrations, hormones can activate cascades of cellular responses due to amplification mechanisms in the signaling pathways, leading to significant effects on cellular processes.

What is it called when a hormone is present in excessive levels the number of target cells receptors may decrease?

Downregulation is the process in which the number of target cell receptors decreases in response to excessive levels of a hormone. This can help maintain homeostasis by reducing the cell's sensitivity to high hormone levels.

What is the amount of hormone present of dwarfism?

what the answer

Which non metal is present in hormone thyroxin?

iodine is found in hormone thyroxine

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Is LH steroid or hormone?

Both! Lutenising hormone is a hormone, it is a steroid hormone (affecting the growth/development of reproductive organs). It is present in both females and males :)

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Is the situation when on hormone cannot exert its full effects without another hormone being present?


What is Somatomedin C?

Somatomedin C is a hormone produced in the liver that increases bone growth when growth hormone is present

Was the German response justified?

Response to what? At present the question cannot be answered.

How much hormone is present in a person who suffer from dwarfism?


How much hormone is present in a person who suffer in dwarfism?
