Smoking is injurious for your health and people around you, moreover people who smoke in elevators or shops tend to dust the ashes which make your clothes dirty. I personally dont prefer talking to smokers anyway I dont talk to guys much.
Smoking one joint will not do anything to you at all. Your chances of even getting high are very slim. Unless you take some hits off a bong, you probably will not smoke it right to get the smoke in your lungs. Marijuana has no long lasting effects if you are a casual smoker. Of course smoking anything is hazardous to your health but one joint will not show up on any test in 90 days. Walking down a busy street inhaling the toxic fumes of car exhaust is more dangerous then smoking one joint.
Just go for it.
No, that's a myth perpetuated by the anti-marijuana crowd.
no it would take about 8 ciggs to equal about one joint
Yes all smoking is bad for you!
It means that you're smoking weed.
smoking is bad for you and you shouldn't do it
The phrase is not "smoking L", it is "smoking an L". This is a type of joint that can be rolled for smoking marijuana. Smoking an L pape is just like smoking a joint, but it is about 50% longer, so you can fit more marijuana in it. It is called an L pape because you stick a second rolling paper to the first one, horizontaly, making an L shape.
one thing is smoking
It can cause harm to the fetus. I had a miscarriage from smoking.
No, it should reduce joint pain
smoking is bad all together! It damages your lungs and is bad for your heart. Sometimes people who have bad smoking habits dont live as long
Smoking one joint of marijuana is equivalent to smoking 20 cigarettes in terms of lung cancer. pulmnologist Vincent St. Aubyn Crump of New Zealand recently discovered this.