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Q: How bad does anxiety have to be to make the doctor take you license?
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What can you take for anxiety during pregnancy?

Talk to a doctor or a mental health professional. make sure they know your pregnant as some things you wont be allowed to take.

How do you lower anxiety?

If you go to your doctor and talk to him or her about your anxiety they can help you with that. You could also possibly go to a psychiatrist. I have generalized anxiety disorder and I take Alprazolam (the generic brand of Xanax) and Fluoxetine (the generic brand of Prozac). Both of these medications help to calm my anxiety. They were prescribed to me by my family doctor.

Can a 18 year take you to the doctor?

Yes if she/he has a drivers license

What anxiety medications should i take if allergic to avian?

It would not be appropriate for anyone but your doctor to answer this question.

How long do you have to take zanax before it helps with social anxiety?

You should discuss that with your doctor. Some psych drugs can take several weeks to have certain effects. Do not increase your dosage in the hope that it will make things go faster.

Take Your Time Finding Relief From Anxiety ?

If you are suffering from an anxiety disorder, talk to your doctor about a prescription medication. Remember, not every prescription works the same on every individual, so you may need to try a few before finding on that is right for you. Most anxiety medications take up to 6 weeks to begin to work effectively, although some may start working much sooner. Make sure you track your progress and discuss the results with your doctor regularly.

Was wondering what i can be prescribed to take along w my effexor that will increase my energy level- i hav social anxiety and depression- but tired of bieng tired?

If you suffer from social anxiety and depression and are feeling tired a lot you should speak with your doctor. Only a doctor can advise what is safe to take with your Effexor for tiredness.

Where can one take an anxiety test?

You can take an anxiety test in doctor clinics. Clinics are usually found around one area so you might have to travel to some clinics. One clinic I suggest is called CalmClinic.

When do you take Klonopin?

You do not unless you have a prescription for it, then do you take it as written on the script/bottle of medication.klonopin is a benzodiazepine, used for anxiety, panic attacks, epilepsy.

What to do when you have a panic attack?

Take slow, even breaths to get through the attack. Talk to a doctor about anti-anxiety drugs (tranquilizers / benzodiazepines).

Is lexapro something you take every day or as needed like xanex?

Lexapro is a medication that you take every day as prescribed by your doctor. Xanax is a medication used when you feel anxiety.

Can anxiety cause you to lose weight I have had a lot of worries on my mind and havent been eating much because of my anxiety. I have lost roughly 6 pounds can this be due to anxiety?

take time for yourself do something you like relax if you do you should get better and your abatight should return if not then you so see a doctor