As long as you took them as soon as you remembered. And didn't forget them in a row you should be fine. If you are having a problem remembering the pill I suggest trying the patch.
i would start another pack 5 days woaw
usually 1 week worth of pills that are missed..i know i am on them
Missing pills can lead to withdrawal bleeding. You may want to consider an alternative method, since missing pills greatly reduces the effectiveness of the pill.
I don't know if it's necessarily harmful, but it's ineffective if you're trying to prevent pregnancy. You might as well be not taking the pills at all if it's that sporadically.
Yes you can.
If you missed tow pills and had breakthrough bleeding, resuming your pills should stop the bleeding. However, since you missed two pills you are not protected this month, so use a backup method of birth control.
If you have missed that many pills, do not have unprotected sex. After taking your next pill wait at least 7 days before having sex unprotected.
Its possible but pretty unlikely. If you miss any pills then follow the instructions (which are normally to continue as if you hadn't missed any pills).
When do you start a new pack of birth control pills if you stopped in the middle of the previous pack and missed 3 pills then started period?
Take the missed pills
If you miss 3 or more pills it can cause you to have a period even thought its the 2nd period that month. This is because you missed pills. Missing pills puts you at high risk of pregnancy and problems in your cycle and how well the pill will prevent pregnancy.