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Actually, that sounds probable. My highly intelligent, extremely depressed (just above the suicide line), musically articulate, high school BF John J. had to get off Prozac because of the HORRIBLE night terrors. He was on another antidepressant after that for 4 or so months and he would tell me about the OCCASIONAL creepy, psychological Horror dream that he remembered. They were always extremely vivid and there was even attention to detail. He must have been traumatized by them. they weren't very frequent- but they didn't have to be. They stuck with him. I wish I knew everything he was on. I'm pretty sure it was just an A.D. though. I knew him b/w the ages of 16-18.

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Q: Has anyone experienced very deep dark nightmares whenever they have missed a dosage of Strattera with Wellbutrin?
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Is a whenever a concrete noun?

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