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It's not surprising that you would have a very light period, even to the point of seeing no bleeding, after changing from Mirena to NuvaRing. Any hormonal Birth Control lightens withdrawal bleeding and may cause a missed period. If you're worried about pregnancy, take a test.

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Q: Had mirena removed started NuvaRing where's my period?
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How do you make your periods shorter?

Using hormonal birth control - like The Pill, NuvaRing (Ortho Evra), or Mirena (IUD) should make your period shorter and lighter.

Can you ovulate without having a period since the removal of Mirena?

Yes, after Mirena is removed, you will ovulate about 14 days before you have your first period.

I just started NuvaRing first time and put it in when I started my period like I was told now my period stop is that normal?

Yes, inserting the first NuvaRing will often shorten a woman's period.

You accidentally inserted NuvaRing when you started spotting a few days before your period When should you expect your period When will it start working?

You may not have any more bleeding this month. Use a backup method for seven days, but you're probably protected right away if you started NuvaRing with spotting.

I started on the 2nd and my Dr told me to start the NuvaRing the Sunday after I inserted it on the 12th Since this is the first time I've been on birth control will it throw off my period?

Yes, there is a possibility that the NuvaRing can make your period come at an irregular time.

What are the odds of getting a girl pregnant 8 days after her period and she is on the nuva ring?

If she started the NuvaRing on the first day of her period, you've got nothing to worry about.

Can inserting your NuvaRing prior to your period cause it to be missed or late?

Yes, inserting NuvaRing before your period can delay bleeding.

If you start your period while the NuvaRing is in does this mean you have done something wrong?

the same thing just happened to me, and I was really upset but I called organon, they said its perfectly normal, especially if i started using nuvaring recently.

You had a Mirena for 2 months you just had it removed how long does it take to get pregnant?

Most Dr's will tell you to wait until you've had 1 normal period.

NuvaRing why are you protected instantly if you insert on day 1 or your period opposed to day 2-5?

If you start using NuvaRing on day one of your period, you will be instantly protected because you are not ovulating. If you wait until days 2 - 5, you could not be protected if you have already started to ovulate.

Is it possible that once the IUD is out your period will continue back on track?

If you had the Paragard removed, you can expect your next period at the usual time, as the copper IUD does not change the timing of the menstrual cycle. If you had Mirena removed, your period may be irregular for a month or so before settling into its new pattern.

How long must you wait to get pregnant after removing an IUD?

After Mirena is removed, you can expect your hormones and period to return to its previous pattern within 4-6 weeks. Like the birth control pill, Mirena gets out of your system quickly once removed.