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to provide temporary relief from pain, irritation, and itching caused by various conditions such as cold sores, canker sores, sore throats, sunburn, insect bites, poison ivy, and minor cuts and scratches

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Q: For what conditions are over-the-counter local anesthetics used?
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What does local anaesthesia mean?

there are two main classes of anesthetics 1. General anesthetics 2. Local anesthetics General anesthetics are used to produce general analgesia (total unconsciousness) that is utilized for surgery purpose. eg. chloroform Local anesthetics are used to produce analgesia (numbness) to local area of body (particular area) eg, xylocaine

What are injectable local anesthetics?

Injectable local anesthetics provide pain relief for some part of the body during surgery,dental procedures,or other medical procedures.commonly used injectable local anesthetics are lidocaine(Xylocaine),bupivacaine(Marcaine), and mepivacaine(Carbocaine)

Why is local anesthesia used?

Local anesthetics are used to prevent patients from feeling pain during medical, surgical, or dental procedures

What conditions are over-the-counter local anesthetics used for?

to provide temporary relief from pain, irritation, and itching caused by various conditions such as cold sores, canker sores, sore throats, sunburn, insect bites, poison ivy, and minor cuts and scratches.

Are are anesthetics and anesthesia the same thing?

Anesthetics are used during anesthesia. There are many different anesthetics used, the most common being Propofol.

What is a local anesthetictic?

A local anesthetic is a mild anesthetic used to numb a specific area of the body (such as a Novocaine shot). Novocaine is the most commonly used local anesthetic, though there are topical local anesthetics that can be rubbed on the skin (i.e. Oragel)

Anesthetics were first used in the?


What are inhalation anesthetics?

compounds that enter the body through the lungs and are carried by the blood to body tissues. Inhalation anesthetics are less often used alone in recent clinical practice; they are usually used together with intravenous anesthetics

What are Opioid analgesics used for?

to relieve pain from a variety of conditions. Some are used before or during surgery (including dental surgery), both to relieve pain and to make anesthetics work more effectively

What is the purpose of opioid analgesics?

Opioid analgesics are used to relieve pain from a variety of conditions. Some are used before or during surgery (including dental surgery) both to relieve pain and to make anesthetics work more effectively.

WHAT ARE opioid used for?

to relieve pain from a variety of conditions. Some are used before or during surgery (including dental surgery), both to relieve pain and to make anesthetics work more effectively

Drugs that decrease membrane permeability to sodium are used as what?

Drugs that decrease membrane permeability to sodium are used as local anesthetics. These drugs block the sodium channels and prevent NA+ from entering the cell. NA+ influx is important to dipolarize the membrane.