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Bleeding is unpredictable on the contraceptive implant, so what you're experiencing could be normal.

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Q: First time getting two periods in the same month been on BC implanon for a year and 3 months I feel heavy headed is this normal?
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Would having your implanon removed 7 months ago still be affecting your chances of getting pregnant?

No it can not. Remember it can take over a year to get pregnant normally.

You just had your implanon taking fast can you get pregnant if you had no periods during the three months you had it in and started bleeding lightly a week after you took it out?

You can get pregnant immediately after removal of the implant. Use another method if you don't want to be pregnant now.

How long should it be until my periods settle down.had a implanon implant in my arm 3 months ago..?

Irregular bleeding and spotting is a normal side effect of using hte contraceptive implant. In exchange for this inconvenience, you get top-tnotch pregnancy prevention.

Does implanon help lose weight?

Before I was on implanon I ran 5 days a week and lost weight super fast and easy but when I got on implanon in Nov 2010 I put on weight & couldn't shed the pounds! I eat very healthy & run 3 miles six days a week and still nothing for me implanon has made it difficult to loose weight but then again I love implanon because I haven't had my period since Nov but I will probably have it removed and try another birth control but everyone's different you could get on implanon and loose weight but it depends on the woman (:

On february 2011 implanon was removed it wasn't due until Jan 2012 Why can't I fall pregnant if dr removed implanon 6 months ago Any clue?

Yes I have a clue! Getting pregnant can take more than a year normally so you are not abnormal at all. Focus in the days you ovulate, buy a ovulation test so you can check when the best time is to have intercourse. The egg is only available 1-2 days a month. As soon as the Implanon was removed your system started to go back to normal and you started ovulating. If nothing has happened after 18 months see a doctor to check quality of eggs and sperms etc.

Why did period start 2 weeks late could you still be pregnant?

It is common not to have regular periods with this implant. It is exceedingly rare to be pregnant with this contraceptive device. You can do the urine pregnancy test at home, when you do not get periods for two months in sequence. The test can be repeated every 15 days. Generally this is not required.

How far pregnant can you be and still get a negative on the test if you have periods every 3 to 4 months while not using protection?

I was 2 months pregnant when I started getting faint positives. So about 8 weeks into your pregnancy.

How many months did the Aztecs have on their calendar?

They didn't have months as such, like periods based on the lunar cycle. Within their year they had periods of about 20 days, which would be the closest idea of a month. There were 18 of these periods, so you could say that they had 18 months in their year.

You are 19 years old and virgin getting periods once in two months from the beginning. is there any health problem?

No, but I would check with a doctor if it is more than a 2 months, because this could be dangerous or you might caring a child you if your periods do not happen for a while and when you are caring a child you might be have discharges that may look like your normal periods, so get a doctor as soon as possible.

You are 19 years old and vargin getting periods once in two months from the beginning. is there any health problem?

If you have started your periods that's fine you haven't got regular cycle, but if its been a long time ask someone or go to your gp.

What is the cause of not getting periods for last two three months?

Pregnancy, menopause, stress, under weight, anorexia, contraceptives, but see your GP to be sure whats causing the absence.

Is it normal to start your periods then not have another one for months?

Yes, you can have periods and not have another for mouths its completely normal.