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OFO-O is contraindicated in persons with a history of hypersensitivity to ofloxacin, to other quinolones, or to any of the components in this medication and in patients hypersensitive to ornidazole and other imidazoles. There is no evidence of accumulation when used in pregnant women. Therefore dosage regimen requires no adjustment during pregnancy.

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13y ago

The immediate side effects occurring in less than 6 hours are a strong metallic taste in the mouth, followed by alcerations on the the tongue. After 6-8 hours a reddish patch on the skin appears, typically on the arch on the feet, chest or waist. This patch is very itchy. The metallic taste in mouth completely loses your taste. Beware, don't consume any alchohol otherwise it may worsen the symptoms. STOP taking the medicine immediately. Help yourself with a cup of plain yogurt or curd. Rest and stay away from sunlight. The effects seem to subside after a few days. Be sure to mark your medical history as allergic to floroquinolones and tell this to every med you visit.

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16y ago

treatment of GI problems (diarrhea/cramps) associated with waterborne bacterial/plasmodial pathogens. called O2 or Ornilox. This is commonly prescribed for GI problems while in India.

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