Ecstasy is a hallucinogen, and so is marijuana, so, smoking weed
while on Ecstasy will enhance the high. Alcohol should be avoided,
as it will kill the Ecstasy high.
WHAT IS is an amphetamine derivative that acts as a mild hallucinogen?
Ecstasy? The full name of MDMA is methylenedioxymethamphetamine.
Ecstasy is classified as both a stimulant and a hallucinogen.
However, it does not produce severe sensory distortions as other
stronger hallucinogens and is taken recreationally for the "energy
boost" effect, reduced self-awareness and euphoria.
Is ecstay a hallucinogen?
i have personally taken ecstasy many times and never
hallucinated. although it does feel like your in a completely
different world, you arent necessarily seeing things