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Q: Does water reducing pills make your penis smaller?
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How come cold water gets rid of erections?

Cold water causes blood vessels to constrict, reducing blood flow to the penis and helping to decrease an erection. Additionally, the shock of cold water can dampen arousal and distract from sexual thoughts, further aiding in reducing an erection.

Can you dissolve augmentin pills will water for a cat?

Yes, Augmentin pills can be dissolved in water in order to give to a cat. The pills expand at first, but then begin to dissolve into the water.

How does the size of soil affect its permeability?

Smaller soil particles create smaller pore spaces, reducing permeability by slowing water flow. Larger soil particles have larger pore spaces, allowing water to flow more easily through the soil.

Should you take water pills with water or milk?

with water

Why does 100 milliliter of water and 100 milliliter of rubbing alcohol equal 175 milliliter?

The molecules in the alcohol are smaller than the water molecules so they fit between them easier. Reducing the volume of space they take up

How much water for 5 pills?

2 cups of water

Do pills dissolve faster in sugar water or in salt water?

Pills typically dissolve faster in salt water because the ions in the salt water can help break down the pill more quickly. Sugar water does not have the same effect on dissolving pills as salt water.

Can water pills cause kidney stones?

Yes, water pills increase the amount of calcium in urine and in deed can cause a stone formation.

What are the best prescription pills for losing water weight?

The best prescription pills for losing water weight are Bumetanide (Bumex), Furosemide (Lasix), and Torsemide(Demadex). These pills are considered to be the strongest available diuretics.

What is meant by treading water?

It is where your float on the water with your penis out !

Does water contain reducing sugars or polysaccharides?

Water does not contain reducing sugars or polysaccharides. Water is a pure substance composed of H2O molecules and does not contain complex carbohydrates like reducing sugars or polysaccharides.

What are Water pills also called?
