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Q: Does viagara works for transgenders
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What is the need of the study of transgenders?


Why do transgenders want to be called different?

They don't.

Why are transgenders picked on?

Cause they triple gay

Are there transgender people in Alaska?

There are transgenders everywhere. But they are rare in the middle east (ex Saudi Arabia) where in some countries it is illegal or "against God" and so a lot of gays, transgenders, etc are at risk of being stoned to death. But yes, there are probably Transgenders in Alaska.

What people think about transgenders?

That depends on the individual person.

The GBLT is the society of what?

The GBLT is the Society for Gays, Bi-Sexuals, Lesbians and Transgenders. According to USA Today in October 2012 3.4% of US Citizens are Gay,Bi-sexual, Lesbian and Transgenders.

What celebrities are transgenders?

No one who has those answers, will tell you. The question is rude and insensitive.