Yes I have used it twice before and passed both times. Make sure you have the latest version and follow the directions. Trust me I smoke multiple bowls every day.
No, because it is simply not urine.
the work of the urethra is to help the bladder to hold the urine
no your best bet is to exercise and buy some kind of drink advertised to clean your urine. keep in mind nothing is 100% when it comes to removing a substance from your urine. good luck.
It will work.
i think that is not rite but i might be wrong good luck
the urethra transport urine from the bladder :-)
hard work luck in that order success is always the fruit of hard work. if the experiencer feels that the fruit is inadequte, it is named as bad luck, if the fruit is more than his expectation it is called luck.
To make your own luck is to work to get somthing. If you are to work hard at whatever it is you wil reach your goal and " Make your own Luck"
Does mega clean work for swab test
kinda both hard work and luck