yes acctually i turned 14 today and have been living with pimples for about 5 or 6 years now if i ask someonewhat is best for to get rid of a pimple they will tell me to put toothpaste on it and at first i was like that wouldnt work but thn i tried it and it really did work n they would also tell me to go outside more often if you do both iyour face clears right up :)
use toothpaste. it works on breakouts.
Putting toothpaste on a zit may help reduce inflammation and dry out the pimple, but it is not a scientifically proven method for clearing acne. It may work for some people, but it can also irritate the skin and cause further problems. It is best to use acne treatments that are specifically designed for skin care.
It doesn't appear that you can get an actual zit on your gums, if it looks like a zit, get it checked out.
Based on information found on organic toothpaste does work as well as non-organic toothpaste. Organic toothpaste is made from natural ingredients. These may include baking soda and natural oils. Non-organic toothpaste contains additives.
well you should probably not use thoothpaste to dry a should try some thing like natural products that are not harmfull to your skin type.if you have oily skin,you should try pro works or you can use zit removers at shoppers.i hope tha answered your question.
You can use toothpaste with anything even beer
if you mean the word "zit" then yes.
Acne is unfortunately very common amongst teenagers and some adults, a simple dietary change will be suffice. There are however easy home remedies that you can use. As 'zits' are caused by dirt built up in your skin and trapped by grease built up on your face during the course of the day, I advise cleaning it at least twice a day and after doing so put toothpaste (yes, toothpaste) on an individual spot (this works better if there is only one zit that you want to get rid of, but will still work if there is an abundance), this will reduce the swelling and inflammation of the pimple and will clean it, avoid touching the zit as much as possible to avoid bacteria contraction.
it depends on how much toothpaste you put on it and how long you left it and the freezer or refrigerator
use zit cream( even if its not a zit) or toothpaste(its weird but it works) or vasoline or antibiotic cream!
Not really. A person could brush their teeth everyday with cheap toothpaste and it would be just the same as if you used expensive toothpaste. SOME may work better than others, but it's just the company that you are buying from and how you use it and how often.
Yes it does haha :)