It's THC, so it'll show up as THC on a drug test.
does novacaine show positive for THC on a drug test
No. THC is marijuana
Yes. I an guessing you mean Hash or something similar by saying synthetic marijuana. A marijuana drug test is looking for the metabolite of THC. So if the drug has THC in it, which is what gets you high in marijuana, then it will show up in a drug test.
Yes spice does contain THC in it, and if consumed will make you turn in a positive test for THC.
Normally they use a ACOT test which stands for Alcohol, Cocaine, Opiates, and THC. But they can test for any drug they mark on a sheet. So stick to drinking alcohol because that leaves your system fairly quick.
No. Marijuana shows up as THC on a drug test.
Will this drug cause you to test positive for THC
I'm assuming you mean THC, Tetrahydrocannabinol, which is the chemical in Marijuana. So marijuana is the only drug that will test positive for THC.