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Q: Does snorting oxycodone work faster than oral?
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Snorting cocaine allows it to be absorbed quickly through the nasal mucosa, entering the bloodstream faster and producing a quicker high compared to ingesting it orally. Additionally, snorting cocaine avoids the liver metabolism that would occur if ingested orally, resulting in a more intense and immediate high.

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The effects of snorting buspirone are much like snorting "X". You may expirience some heartbeat skippage, but other than that it's legit.

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Is morphine 30mg stronger then oxycotin20mg?

Morphine is generally counted milligram for milligram with Oxycontin. Percocet, Vicodin, Roxycodone, morphine and Oxycontin have the same basic active ingredient. So 100mg morphine will be stronger than an 80mg Oxy.

Is oxycodone stronger than Darvocet?

Oxycodone vs oxycodone with acetaminophine are essentially the same thing. The narcotic in both medications is the oxycodone, the only difference between the two is the addition of Tylenol (aka acetaminophen). The addition of Tylenol does not necessarily make the combo drug more powerful than the straight oxycodone, but is an adjunctive therapy so to speak. The Tylenol can enhance the pain relief of the oxycodone by working with the oxycodone at pain receptors. So to answer the question, no - oxycodone is not stronger than oxycodone acetaminophen combo.

Is snorting a tylox better for my liver than swallowing it?

Yep XD

Why snort oxycodone?

Yes, people snort suboxone. It will kick in instantly and more intensely than if taken sublingually (absorbed under the tongue). Snorting it will however leave a nasty tasting drip in your nose/throat. It is possible to inject it and freebase it as well.

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at snorting coke yes

Is ac cough tussin and oxycodone the same?

Robitussin-AC, is a prescription antitussive containing Guaifenesin and Codeine. 5 mL of Robitussin-AC contains 100 mg of Guaifenesin, an expectorant 10 mg of Codeine, a cough suppressant. A normal dose of Robitussin-AC is 5-10 mL every 4-6hrs. Oxycodone (Percocet, Percodan, OxyIR, OxyContin) is a significantly different drug compared to codeine despite their chemical similarities. Oxycodone is semi-synthetic opioid partially derived from Codeine, a naturally occurring opiate alkaloid found in opium poppy. Oxycodone is a far more potent opioid commonly used for postoperative and chronic pain. Approximately 10 mg of oral Codeine is equivalent to 1 mg of oral Oxycodone. Codeine is a more effective antitussive than oxycodone thus codeine is commonly used in cough medications and for mild pain.