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Salvia divinorum does flower, but it is very difficult to start a plant from seed. Usually, plants are cloned from cuttings.

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Q: Does salvia divinorum have flowers
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Is salvia used in Chinese medicine?

If by Salvia you mean Salvia Divinorum, then the answer is no. Salvia Divinorum is not used in Chinese medicine, as Salvia does not naturally grow in any region of China. Salvia Divinorum is only to be found in Oaxaca, Mexico.

Has salvia nemorosa got similar properties to salvia divinorum?

No, Salvia nemorosa does not contain salvinorins, the active components of Salvia divinorum.

Is taking Salvia divinorum healthy?

Although some studies have indicated that Salvia divinorum may be effective in treating the symptoms of depression, taking Salvia divinorum (particularly smoking it) should be considered unhealthy, especially because the long term effects of Salvia divinorum usage are not well-known.

What do you do with salvia divinorum extract?

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Where can you buy salvia divinorum?


Will salvia divinorum test positive as pcp?

No it is not possible to test for salvia.

Will salvia get you high?

Depends on what kind of salvia you're talking about. Only Salvia Divinorum species can get you high. Don't get fooled, there are a lot of varieties of Salvia.

Is salvia legal in lebanon?

Yes, Salvia divinorum is legal plant in the Lebanon.

Why can you only smoke salvia divinorum and not mystic blue?

Salvia divinorum is the only species in the genus Salvia that contains Salvinorins. Thus, smoking other species of Salvia, including the ornamental Mystic Blue, would not have the same effect.

What states do salvia plants grow in?

Salvia Divinorum grows only in Oaxaca, Mexico.

Does salvia contain THC?

No, Salvia divinorum contains a salvinorins. The salvinorin that is primarily responsible for the effects of salvia is salvinorin A