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Q: Does lidocaine patch cause urine to smell?
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Can cabbage cause a urine smell?

Yes cabbage can cause a urine smell.

Does the nicotine patch make your urine smell?

Yes, use of a nicotine patch can sometimes result in a change in the smell of urine. This is due to how the body metabolizes nicotine and its byproducts, which can affect the odor of urine. If you notice a significant change in the smell of your urine while using a nicotine patch, it's recommended to consult with a healthcare provider.

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Will the nicotine in the patch cause you to test dirty for tobacco with a urine test?

No, nicotine in the patch will cause you to test positive for nicotene... that's about it

Can a cold cause urine to smell strong?

A cold can indeed cause urine to smell strong. This is because the body is getting rid of unwanted sickness.

Would the use of Lidodern Lidocaine Patches show benzoylecgonine in urine?

The Lidocaine patches might show up in a urine sample within 10 days after they have been used. This is not a controlled substances the presence of benzoylencgonine will not cause a person to fail a drug screening.

Is old urine smell dangerous to humans?

The smell is not dangerous - however, if there is still a smell, there could still be urine, which could cause diseases and infections if you come in contact with it.

I am a woman if you wash your personal areas too much can it cause your urine to have a strange smell?

No, if you are a woman and wash your personal areas too much it should not cause your urine to have a strange smell.

Why does your urine smell like bacon?

When food contains ammonia or sulfur components, the smell will be noticeable. Moreover cigarettes and alcohol changes the urine odor.

What is fruity urine smell?

A fruity urine smell is normally indicative of diabetes. The fruity smell is attributed to the presence of ketones in urine.

How long does it take to get the Lidocaine and similar dental drugs out of your system and what is the chance of being positive on urine based drug test?

Drug tests do not test for lidocaine or substances such as that.

When fighting HPV does urine smell?

HPV does not cause a urine odor. If you are having urinary symptoms, see your health care provider for an exam.