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Any medication has the potential for causing unwanted side-effects including depression, however lamitrogine is often prescribed in conjunction with SSRI class anti-depressants to treat depression. I have been on it 2 years with positive success. Any medication has the potential for causing unwanted side-effects including depression, however lamitrogine is often prescribed in conjunction with SSRI class anti-depressants to treat depression. I have been on it 2 years with positive success.

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16y ago
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16y ago

I was prescribed Lamictal in Feb of 2008 due to a drug induced mania from prozac. it completely obliterated my anxiety which was amazing, but within the past two months depression has started to set in. its getting so bad that there have been thoughts about quitting my job, isolating myself from others, and not being able to enjoy any activities, i cant remember anything and i have extreme difficulties with concentration. i am thinkin about trying l-tyrosine, which is a supplement that assists with mood management. Betaine also helps reduce inflammation, which i have been suffering from many years. guess, we'll see how it goes.

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Q: Does lamitrogine cause depression
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