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Q: Does it hurt to take Amoxicillin if you had gastric bypass its been 8 years since i had it?
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How old do you have to be to get gastric bypass surgery?

You have to be atleast 15 years old.

Is there a relationship between restless leg syndrome and gastric bypass surgery?


What role do psychologist play in gastric bypass surgery?

Gastric bypass surgery, it's in the mind. I had surgery 5 years ago, surgery is just a tool. Now the hard part you and your will power to follow the rules thus Psychological.

How does the gastric bypass revision work?

Some gastric bypass patients regain weight after a few years due to an enlarged stomach pouch. The StomaphyX revision procedure reduces the stomach size by creating small folds in the stomach.

You had gastric bypass surgery 2 years ago and you have blood in your stool it just started?

You need to consult with your primary care provider. Gastric bypass increases the risk of GI bleed, so it's important to follow up regarding this symptom.

Gastric Band Weight Loss Is Comparable To Full Bypass Weight Loss?

If you've been considering a gastric band, you may have heard that gastric band weight loss will be less sudden and pronounced than the weight loss associated with a full gastric bypass. While this is true, the eventual outcome usually ends up being almost equal to what you'd expect from a full bypass. Gastric banding will cause you to loose weight at a slower pace than you'd have with a gastric bypass. Within a few years the difference between those who got each type of surgery ends up coming to only a couple of pounds, with the banding being significantly safer overall.

Why is gastric bypass one?

Gastric weight loss can be significant. People that have terrible health problems should get it if they can get relief no other way. There are guidelines that suggest there are only certain types of people that qualify for gastric bypass procedures. If your body mass index is 40 or higher, you should get gastric bypass procedures. Your doctor should only consider it if you couldn't get relief from other treatments. You should have been obese for at least five years too. You shouldn't have an alcohol problem. You shouldn't be depressed without getting treatment either. These are the stipulations for the surgery.

Getting Consultations after Gastric Bypass Surgery?

The gastric bypass post surgery lifestyle is much different than the lifestyle before the patient had the surgery. The patient can expect to lose 60-70% of their body fat following a surgery in the next two years. It is an ongoing journey after surgery through successive weight loss and lifestyle changes. The change in your body will make it easier to eat right and exercise. The recovery process is long and slow, but there should be a team of professionals to assist you after the surgery. If you don't have a professional team, you probably went to the wrong gastric bypass procedure surgery team. Gastric bypass post surgery is much different than it was before.

How Many Patients Are Forced to Get a Revision of Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Gastric bypass surgery is extremely effective in helping morbidly obese individuals lose weight. Unfortunately, this surgery can be dangerous. Anywhere from two to five percent of patients must undergo a revision of gastric bypass shortly after surgery. These revisions are done to correct dangerous side effects, like leaking and bleeding. Between 15 and 20 percent of gastric bypass patients begin regaining weight three to five years after surgery. Some of these patients may also require additional surgery to adjust their growing stomach pouch. While most weight loss surgeries go smoothly, it is important for patients to realize that there are risks.

Can you have a baby after gastric bypass?

Yes, while there is a much greater chance of miscarriage as well as the baby developing gastrointestinal diabetes which can lead to insulin resistance later in life. Speak to a doctor before taking such a step because you will have to be very careful with diet and health for you and baby.

Understanding Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Going through Gastric bypass surgery can sometimes be your only real option for weight loss. It may be necessary for you to alter your standard activities for a short while. If you are a woman, it is incredibly important that you avoid getting pregnant for at least two years. This can lead to complications for both you and the baby, so make sure that you are taking care to not become pregnant. It can also be useful to avoid alcoholic drinks, so if you are thinking about learning more about Gastric bypass surgery, consider these helpful tips - they could serve you well in the future!

The Effects of Gastric Bypass Surgery Justify the Cost?

If you are severely overweight and considering gastric bypass surgery, you are probably curious about the costs of the procedure. The surgery can cost anywhere from $18,000 to $35,000 and up, depending on who is performing the surgery and the specifics of your situation. This cost includes hospital and surgeon fees as well as any pre- and post-operation care. Check with your surgeon and health insurance provider for more details regarding the expected cost to you. While the cost for gastric bypass surgery may seem high, the years that losing weight will add to your life are certainly priceless.