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Homework itself does not cause children to do drugs, but predisposition to succeed or other personal traits can cause stress that leads individual students to do drugs.

A personal experience:

i have been doing that for years now, starting in grade 9. I'm in my second year of university, always getting A's and never anything lover than B's. And it's not just me, it happens a lot with people i know.

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Q: Does homework stress cause children to do drugs?
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Not at all. Drugs put a lot of stress on the body at all ages, and for a 12-year-old person it could cause irreparable damage for the rest of their life.

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They can be caused by caffeine intake. Also, stress and anxiety can contribute. Illicit drugs like cocaine can cause this along with alcohol and nicotine. Overexertion is also a likely cause.

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Most illegal drugs are addictive, and addiction increases stress, it doesn't reduce it. Not to mention the fact that there is the added stress of worring about getting caught buying and having drugs. Also, if you were to get caught the stress of having to miss work or school due to court dates and the community knowing about it, because it will be in the newspaper for all to see. Bottom line ... DON'T DO DRUGS!!!!!

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i wish i new i am looking for IT homework

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Homework does not keep you away from friends. It may keep you away from those that are not doing homework and are doing drugs or things that they should not be doing.

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