No. Beer will do nothing but produce more fat cells to store the THC. NOTHING can clean your system of marijuana for more than a few hours except for time.
Yeah! Use beer to keep your mind off blazing and you'll be pissing clean in no time. Cranberry juice doesn't hurt either.
No. Drinking beer just helps to get you drunk. Only time and drinking water and staying away from things that can pollute your system can help clean your system.
Beer does not clean pot out of your system
No he claims that he does NOT. Even marijuana. He also says he trys to stay away from drinking.
yeah it depends on how dirty it is daaa
The CEO of the Meister Beer Drinking Club is Gleason Farris.
They peasants drank beer. they drunk it because the water was dirty and it had many disease. the beer clean out the system and a little of water was in the beer.
he is drinking beer = él toma una cerveza
Whatever system you mean, water can't be compared with beer. Water is so natural in cleaning your system that beer can't match. Beer leaves metabolic bye products whereas water leaves nothing behind.
Write down why you need to stop smoking and drinking alcohol, beer, and margaritas (margaritas have alcohol in it). Personally, I would stop doing things that hurt my body and cause anxiety.
you shuldn b drinking beer anyway yu lor nasty that's nasty how u gon b drinkng die Here is a good article about cleaning beer lines in pubs in the UK. It is very relevant if you own a pub, club or hotel.