

Best Answer

hi, yes it does, i take 2mg tabs.

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Q: Does diazepam come in 2 mg?
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How many milligrams's of diazepam are contained in 2.5 ml of a diazepam 10 milligrams 2 ml injection?

In a 2 ml injection of diazepam 10 mg, there are 10 mg in 2 ml, which means there are 5 mg in 1 ml. Therefore, in 2.5 ml, there would be 12.5 mg of diazepam.

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Is there 100 mg Valium?

ANSWER:No, Valium (diazepam) does not come in doses nearly that hight. Most countries, including The US, Canada, and most of Europe have 2, 5, and 10 mg tablets of Valium. Normally the maximum dose of Valium is 40 mg/day. 100 mg of Valium is a huge dose, something a doctor would never prescribe with a possible exception of use in hospital, normally for alcohol, benzodiazepine, or barbiturate detox.

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Is it ok to take 1mg of Diazepam for Anxiety during the day and Temazepam at night for sleep?

No. Better to switch all your dose to diazepam. Safer, and you can schedule to reduce your overall daily dose 0.5 mg diazepam every 2 weeks.

Can you take cocodamol and diazepam together?

Yes you can, I am taking 60mg codeine, 70mg diclofenac 2 paracetamol and 4 mg diazepam for chronic Back pain in one dose.

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How effective is the 0.5 Klonopin?

0,5 klonopin = 10 mg Valium (diazepam)

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What is ansiovit?

3 mg diazepam vitamin b1 b6 b12 its is sold in elsalvador for sleeping

Is there a 30 mg valium pill in Canada?

Dose of diazepam is 5 to 10 mg at bed time. So 30 mg pill can not be available in advanced country like Canada.