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My sweating is debilitating and embarrassing. I feel like it is ruining my life. I avoid many social activities because of it. it is embarrassing at work. I don't even have to be doing much, the sweat just pours sometimes. I'm going to wean myself from this drug before summer. [Second opinion] I also sweat excessively from Cymbalta, but have found that the sweating has reduced significantly over the past 12 months. I still sweat more than I did before Cymbalta, but less than when I started on the drug. I need to sleep on a towel maybe once per month. Overall, not enough to be a social or work problem (the sweat is not smelly), and a small price to pay for having my life and family back.

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Q: Does the prescription drug Cymbalta cause excessive sweating?
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Cymbalta can cause an increase in sweating, it happens to me at night.

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A bad heart disease can cause excessive sweating since the Thyroid hormone can cause excessive sweating.

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Hypertionsion does cause hyperhidrosis

What is a cause of excessive sweating?

There are many reasons for excessive sweating and to know for sure you should check with a doctor. Some of the reasons could be: illness, fever, anxiety and stress, or overexercising. Check with your health care provider if you are suffering!

What is the term for excessive sweating called?

The medical term for excessive sweating is "hyperhidrosis." This medical condition typically occurs without triggers that normally causes sweating (warm temperatures, exercise, or certain situations), and there is yet to be a cause found for it. Hyperhidrosis can cause significant discomfort in people, both mentally and physically. Some treatments include antiperspirants, medications, Botox, and underarm surgery.

What meds will cause excessive sweating?

There are many. Key suspects are stimulants and certain antidpressants, but those are far from the only ones.

Should I talk to my doctor about my sweating problems or get some new deodorant?

Overactive thyroid is serious and can cause excessive sweating. Try changing deodorant brands and if you still experience a lot of sweating or develop other symptoms you should go see a doctor.

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Why can sweating too much be dangerous?

Sweating too much will not kill but it will cause dehydration that may kill if not enough water is being replenished. Heavy sweating can cause major social and personal problems to your life. If you are sweating alot for no particular reasons, you may be suffering from a medical problem termed hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)

What would cause excessive sweating in a toddler i.e. meaning excessive with no known reason such as heat or running and playing etc?

Some children do sweat more. If the child is found to be otherwise normal there is no need to worry.

Does cymbalta cause farting?

Obviously it does for you.

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Minerals will help you stay healthy, and in "performance" shape