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It must be cooked in order for you to get high from ingesting it, yes. Swallowing a bud of marijuana will not get you high. Since THC (the active ingredient in marijuana) is fat-soluble, the marijuana must be cooked in a fatty substance -- usually butter or oil -- to release the THC.

That is why people make pot brownies and pot cookies, instead of just sprinking pot onto their breakfast cereal. They simmer the marijuana in butter for 20 to 30 minutes or so, and use the THC-saturated butter to make brownies or cookies.

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Q: Does cannabis have to be cooked to be digested?
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Most likely yes. It will have a slight cannabis flavor.

Does eating cannabis kill you?

No. Cannabis has never killed anyone in any form if consuming it for more than 2,700 years. Cancer patients who don't want to smoke cannabis have it cooked into foods for them to eat instead. Eating it raw would be unpleasant and probably wouldn't have much effects.

Can you cook peanut butter and cannabis in a microwave and still get high?

I don't recommend an oven. The cannabis has to be cooked in an oil so I recommend using peanut oil and cannabis in a pot on the stove then let it simmer for 20 minutes drain out the cannabis leftovers since the THC is now in the oil and mix that into the peanut butter. Spread over toast and enjoy the day.

Does the word cannabis have to be capitalized?

Cannabis shouldn't be capitalized unless it's at the beginning of a sentence because it's not a proper noun. Cannabis does need to be capitalized when using its proper taxonomic names, Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica or Cannabis ruderalis.

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No. It's not possible to OD on Cannabis.

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It is digested the same way your other food are digested.

Where glycyrol digested?

It can not be digested because it is the final digested form of fats

What is cannabis drugs made of?

Cannabis is Made with a greenish-gray mixture of dried Cannabis sativa flowers. When Cannabis is sold or eaten for medical purposes, it can also be used to make tea. Cannabis LMS gives you training on how to use Cannabis for Dispensaries.

When was Cannabis Planet created?

Cannabis Planet was created in 2009.

How do you say Cannabis in Japanese?

Cannabis in Japanese is 大麻.

When was Aecidium cannabis created?

Aecidium cannabis was created in 1927.