No, bleach and orange juice does not clean out your system. It may kill you or make you sick. It will not help you pass a drug test.
There are no real drugs or drinks or anything out there that will help you pass a drug test for weed. Beware of scam drinks that say that you'll test clean if you drink it because its a fraud. The only true way to test clean is to well not do it or wait for it to be totally out of your system which for weed is unfortunatly a really long time if you smoke it all the time. There is a way to keep it in your system longer however so stay away from grapefruit juice and anything that has grapefruit juice in it because theres something in grapefruit juice that inhibits or stops the drug from being metabolized. Hope this helps.
is ther anything that can help clean my system if i used on Saturday and have a drug test on Tuesday terminator gold
Cranberry juice will NOT clean your system. It is a diuretic, which means it makes you pee a lot. If you are asking this question because of an upcoming drug test, the only way cranberry juice will help you pass is because of it's diuretic properties. Basically, if you drink water to try and beat a test, and it works, it will only work because you're literally just peeing water, and not drug molecules.
due to the acidic action of lime
the acid eats away the rust
Oh, dude, pickle juice isn't some magical potion that can erase your drug use. It might make you feel like you're doing something productive, but it won't help you pass a drug test for cocaine. If you're looking to pass a drug test, maybe lay off the cocaine instead of chugging pickle juice.
The only thing that will help you pass a drug test is NOTto take drugs. The drug is in your system, not on your dentures.
No. The only way for any drug to truly come out of your system is for it to take it's natural course through your body. Cranberry Juice is used to help treat urinary tract infections because the natural enzymes in cranberries sooth the urinary tract.
No. Drugs stay in the fat cells and hair . If you want to pass don't use the drug.
will niaspan help me pass a drug test
Can drinking enough water help me pass a urine drug test