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Simply put: Yes.

By blowing your nose or "spitting out" phlegm, you are removing the substance that is clogging up your airway.

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Q: Does blowing your nose or spitting out phlegm help prevent chest infections?
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Does acid reflux cause one to spit up phlem?

Yes, the phlegm is the body's response to counter-attack the acid which is hurting the chest and throat.

How is phlegm formed?

Phlegm is formed when the mucous membranes in your body try to fight infections. Phlegm is made of mucous, dead bacteria and virus, and dead white blood cells.

Your infant has a cough and is spitting up phlegm that is gray in color do you need to be worried?

Yes get the poor child some cold medicine. If it gets worse or doesn't get better in a day or two go to the doctor.

What is a indicative of lung inflammation?

Chest pain; coughing; spitting up phlegm; wheezing, crackles, or rales; shortness of breath; and possibly fever or other constitutional symptoms. Any or all of these may be present.

What produces phlegm?

The airway passages normally produce secretions which it uses to trap debris and using the cilia in the epithelium, remove the offending particles. During respiratory tract infections, the secretions become a medium for bacteria to grow in and this secretion is increased- now called phlegm.

How do you pronounce phlegm?


What color is phlegm in a cold versus the flu?

Both colds and flu are caused by viruses. The color of the phlegm in respiratory viral infections such as these is very similar. If there is a secondary bacterial infection on top of the virus, the phlegm color may be darker and more greenish/yellow, but that is not always the case as symptoms can vary widely from person to person and microbe to microbe. See the related question below for differences in the cold and flu symptoms.

How do you spell the sound of phlegm?

The act of clearing your throat is indicated by the slang onomatopoeia "hock", or "hack", and the resultant mucus as a "loogie" (lugie). This is sometimes a combination of drawing up phlegm and then expectorating or spitting, with the sound "ptui" (ptooie).Both of these acts are simulated by the word sounds, as is the term "hacking cough".Addendum:There is also the resounding "splack" as the hocked/hacked loogie hits the sidewalk immediately following the "ptui."

Where does the phlegm go if you swallowed it?

Phlegm will go into your stomach and the acid in your stomach will dispose of it naturally, just the way it does when you swollow food. It is not harmful to swallow phlegm.

When you cough up phlegm is it bad to swallow it or should you spit it out?

AnswerYes, it is perfectly healthy to swallow your phlegm.**Spit the phlegm out; don't swallow it. Among the many components that make up phlegm are substances like immunoglobulins and glycoproteins that help your body fight off an infection. When these substances get killed (together with the bacteria and virus they were fighting), they become part of what makes up phlegm. When phlegm gets coughed out, it means that they have served their purpose - remnants and refuse of the battle, so to speak - and are no longer necessary in the proper functioning of the body. They have to be expelled. Therefore, spit them out and don't swallow them back. Aside from the fact that swallowing phlegm is gross and unsanitary, it sometimes gets reintroduced to your pulmonary system, worsening your situation.**Nope! Acidity of the stomach is sure to destroy the bacteria. On the contrary, spitting the phlegm out is gross, even though into a napkin. As to the substances like immunoglobulins and glycoproteins, they are played out yes, however, it is very well known that they cannot be absorbed from the intestines as whole. Instead, the aminoacids and other monomers that constitute them are absorbed and re-used. Consider that we intake the proteins of someone else (an animal's). We use them after digesting them.**It may be healthy, but swallowing too much phlegm may cause it to clog up in your throat and turn into a nasty cough.

What does phlegm do?

Phlegm helps to trap foreign materials such as dirt, microbes and pollutants from going further into the body. Phlegm comes in different colors from shades of green to white.

What is the sentence of phlegm?

Phlegm is a sticky substance produced by the respiratory system to help trap and clear away germs and irritants.