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To my knowledge, this drug is prescribed for anti-anxiety control. Given that ocd/anxiety may fall into similar categories, it is advised that you talk to a physician/psychiatrist on the matter of ocd and what treatments are available and in what dosage. Try not to experiment with treatment like that with out the supervision of a doctor, you might suffer some serious side-effects in the long run.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

well, i used to take lexapro, because i have OCD, now i am on zoloft. but, if you really want to know if lexapro will help, ask your doctor.

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Can you conquer OCD?

There is no way to get rid of OCD completely but you may take medication to help with the symptoms.

How do you get diagnosed with OCD?

go on and click ocd. look at symptoms and see if they match.

What age is OCD diagnosed?

OCD is diagnosed when symptoms start to become noticeable, which can be at any age. Most of the time, OCD symptoms become noticeable when a preteen/teen hits puberty. OCD can be diagnosed when someone is as young as 13 or as old as 60. It is different for everyone.

How can psychodynamic counseling help OCD?

Psychodynamic counseling for OCD aims to explore underlying emotions, unresolved conflicts, and early-life experiences that may contribute to the development of OCD symptoms. By understanding the root causes of these symptoms, individuals can gain insight into their condition and work towards sustainable change through increased self-awareness and coping strategies. This approach can help individuals develop healthier ways of managing their symptoms and improve their overall mental well-being.

Can a panic attack be a sign of OCD?

No. Sufferers of OCD with no other symptoms of mental disorder do not generally experience panic attacks.

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Is amitriptyline prescribed in early menopause?

Amitripyline is a medication to treat depression. Depression and mood swings are sometimes part of menopause symptoms. If early menopause is accompanied by depression, amitriptyline might be prescribed.

Can you use amitriptyline for fibromyalgia?

yes i use amitriptyline to help manage my fibro . been on it for 5 yrs helps manage the pain a little.

How do I test for OCD?

There are quizzes online and they will help give you some idea and there are sites that you can check out to see what the symptoms are. If you would like to take a quiz check out http://www.psychiatrytoday.comquizzes and see what your results are.

What makes obsessive compulsive disorder worse?

Treatment wise, often times a stimulant medication can exacerbate symptoms of OCD (or make undiagnosed OCD bad enough to hav a formal diagnosis). If one is diagnosed with OCD, by giving in to obsessions, u are really making OCD stronger in the long run.

Is facing your OCD thoughts head on acknowledging there OCD then tell your self there not you a good way of helping OCD?

There isn’t really a way to help yourself with ocd, and you have to face that you are going to have it no matter what. ocd is a mental health condition so nobody can really help you if you have it. Some things you can do to help is things like trying not to worry how things are organized and try to ignore out of place things if you can. It’s hard, but you’ll get the hang of it.

Is there anything to take to help with OCD?

There are many medications, from SSRI's to anticonvulsants to tricyclic antidepressants that can provide a lot of help for sufferers of OCD. A psychiatrist can help decide on a treatment and prescribe these medications. You can take meds for OCD such as Paxil, Prozac, and Zoloft but you would need to get these from a MD, preferably a psychiatrist. Cognitive Behavior Therapy also helps with OCD which your dr. can help u with. * Even though there are plenty of medication and pharmacy drugs that one can take in order to easy his OCD symptoms, one has to be extremely attentive when taking the above mentioned medications. Most psychiatrists are going to prescribe you a lot of different type of such pills but you have to be careful. Always remember about the secondary effects of these. There are plenty of cases when people suffer a lot afterward. Some individuals managed to cure OCD on their own, without any help from exterior. The key is to constantly seek alternative methods to overcome this problem.