Alcohol dilates peripheral blood vessels, but has been known to actually
constrict some blood vessels in the brain, lowering the oxygen content.
no, uppers, acid & ecstacy will dialate your pupils. downers, like heroin and oxy's will constrict "pinpoint" your pupils
Yes, alcohol consumption can cause the pupils to constrict or become smaller. This is a normal physiological response to the depressant effects of alcohol on the central nervous system.
No, normally not. With me, my pupils stay the same.
practise how to use tiny muscles in your eyes to constrict your pupils
Yes they do. You will look like a cartoon character.
Yes, fear can cause pupils to constrict. When the body experiences fear, the sympathetic nervous system is activated, leading to the release of adrenaline. Adrenaline causes the pupils to constrict, allowing the individual to focus on a threat and react quickly.
They don't, narcotics make your pupils dilate.
well, sometimes there pupils dialate when they look at you
No. It will constrict.
It is called fixed or non-reactive pupils. This could be due to a variety of reasons such as medication, injury, or underlying medical conditions affecting the nerves that control pupil response. It is important to seek medical attention if pupils are fixed and not reacting to light.
Pupils "constrict" when light enters, and "dilate "when the lighting dims
Suboxone causes ocular miosis or small pupils.