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It can and it can't. It's just like any other psychoactive drug, much depends on the individual taking it. The method of taking it matters too. People who eat marijuana rather than smoke it are more likely to experience a mild hallucinogenic effect which might make one more prone to heightened sensitivity. All in all in my experience most people just get relaxed and happy more than anything else. One or two guys I have known got extremely paranoid after smoking it. Though the likely effects of marijuana are more predictable than something like say PCP, just like with alcohol: there are happy drunks, mean drunks, sad drunks, quiet drunks, and loud drunks. The same goes for marijuana So I suggest that if your interested in trying it, just have a friend with you to look after you and then you go to the moon where there is no international law to prosecute me for suggesting this or you for trying it and buy some from some intergalactic aliens and just see how you like it.

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