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Q: Does a CBC with differential indicate the use of cannabis?
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When having a lft and a cbc blood test will they detect cannabis in your blood?

No, a liver function test (LFT) and a complete blood count (CBC) do not typically test for cannabis use. To detect cannabis in the blood, a specific test for cannabinoids must be performed.

Would you use a lavender tube to collect a CBC?

Yes. Lavender tubes are for CBC w/ differential

Is cannabis use marijuana use?

Yes. Marihuana is cannabis.

When did the state of New York prohibit the use of cannabis?

New York prohibited cannabis use in 1927.

How many deaths are related to cannabis?

There have been no documented cases of fatal overdose directly caused by cannabis use. However, excessive cannabis consumption can lead to impairment and potentially contribute to accidents or health issues. It is important to use cannabis responsibly and in moderation.

What is the law regarding cannabis in western Australia?

what are the current laws in western Australia for cannabis use

What color test tube is CBC?

Lavender CBC is complet blood count

What is differential statistics?

Differential statistics are statistics that use calculus. Normally statistics would use algebra but differential statistics uses calculus instead of algebra.

How many fatalities has cannabis caused?

There have been no reported cases of fatal overdose from cannabis use alone. However, cannabis use can have harmful effects on individuals' mental health and cognition, and its use has been associated with an increased risk of motor vehicle accidents.

Why shouldn't you use cannabis?

you should experience it.

Were does Canada rank in the world for the most cannabis?

Canada ranks 17th in the world as far as the use of Cannabis is concerned.

What types of people use cannabis?

MOST PEOPLE!!!!! 4 out of 5 people ive me in my life smoke cannabis.