Let me begin by saying that I hope your daughter is being followed by a psychiatrist or psychiatric nurse practitioner that specializes in working with children. I am not a doctor, however I have worked with individuals, of all ages, with a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder. A diagnosis of bipolar disorder and ADHD is not uncommon, but it can be difficult to treat, because many medications used to treat ADHD can trigger Bipolar Mania. I would not be surprised if the vyvanse triggers symptoms of mania at various times of the year. I would continue taking seroquel, discontinue the vyvanse, and start Straterra. Honestly, (again, I am not a physician) the only ADHD med that I trust, with an individual who has Bipolar, is Straterra. Straterra is not typically prescribed to children, however it is the only medication that treats ADHD which is not a stimulant. Check out my previous post about Bipolar Treatments: What are effective treatments for bipolar disorder Be well.
In general, yes, Vyvanse is a stronger medicine than Concerta. Bothe medications are used to treat ADD and ADHD. Vyvanse is in the amphetamine drug class and Concerta is in the methylphenidate drug class.
Vyvanse, which is a medication used to treat ADHD is pronounced: VIE-vance
The first drug to treat bipolar disorder was lithium.
Medications, such as Trileptal, which are designed to treat seizures, are also successfully used to treat depression and bipolar disorder.
Adderall and Vyvanse are psychostimulant prescription drugs used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity, Adderall is more commonly used than Vyvanse.
Seroquel is an anti-psychotic used mainly in the treatment of bipolar disorder. If an ADHD individual is suffering from bipolar mania, this will help them stay more even throughout the period indirectly helping their ADHD (by lessening the symptoms of bipolar). Seroquel is not used for ADHD; it is used to treat bipolar disorders.
Mood Stabilizer
Abilify works very well with Vyvanse. Abilify is a mood-stabiliser similar to zyprexa and seroquel. Abilify is weight-neutral and has lower rates of akathisia than other atypical anti-psychotics. I also take Cymbalta for anxiety and PTSD. Vyvanse has worked extremely well for me. I have also been diagnosed with dysphoric mania, which is a "mixed-state" bipolar II disorder. I have been stable for over a year on these three medications.
lithium is used to treat bipolar disorder.
No, because of its additive qualities it is not a good way to treat fatigue. Simply put... the risks outweigh the rewards.