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Q: Does Sundown Natural Water pills clean out THC from your urinary system?
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Related questions

How is the urinary system involved with water?

water dilutes urine in the urinary system

Conserves body water or eliminates excesses?

Kidney, Urinary system

What is the work of urinary system?

The urinary system, passes out the extra water inthe body collected in the bladder as urine.

What filters water and solutes?

urinary system

How does both the digestive system and the urinary system work to conserve water in the human body?

The digestive system and the urinary system both shut off their flushing of water when your body is dehydrated and needs the water to remain in your body.

What filters the blood and controls the amount of water and salt int he body?

urinary system

What body system filters out toxins and excess water?

The urinary system, specifically the kidneys, filter out toxins and excess water from the blood to form urine, which is then excreted from the body.

What system conserves body water or eliminates excesses?

Urinary - Rids body of nitrogen containing wastes & Conserves body water or eliminates excesses. Includes the Kidneys, bladder, & ureter

How do you keep the urinary system healthy?

Drink enough water

What system gets rid of extra water in the body?

The renal system, aka urinary system, excretes extra water from the body.

What type of waste leaves the urinary system?

The urinary system removes metabolic wastes by the process of exertion and regulates the volume of water and other substances in the blood.

Which organ system conserves body water or elimanates excesses?
