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No, it contains acetaminophen as the only active ingredient.

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Q: Does Rapid Release Tylenol Contain Aspirin?
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Can Tylenol rapid relces release cause miscarriage?

Tylenol does not cause miscarriage but adding meds when pregnant is something you should talk to your doctor about.

Are doans pills best pill for backaches?

Doan's is just Ibuprofen - if you want a decent OTC med, try one of the following: 1. Bayer Back and Body Aspirin 2. Tylenol Rapid Release Gel Tabs 3. Aleve Aleve you need to take for a couple of days before you really get the full benefit. The other 2 I use regularly when I don't feel the need for Percocet. Both work fast and great. I'd use Tylenol RRGT's if you need something at night, as the Bayer has caffeine in it.

Does 2000 grams of Tylenol extra kill a human being?

No. When I have a headache, I take 4 500 mgs of Tylenol rapid release extra strength which equals to be 2000 mgs and I'm 14. Im still alive so NO they will not. I wouldn't recommend taking anymore than that though.

Does tachypnea contain a prefix?

Yes, the prefix tachy means rapid. Tachypnea means rapid breathing.

What became of Tylenol Go Tabs?

See below - e-mail from Tylenol; "Thank you for your inquiry regarding the availability of Extra Strength TYLENOL® (acetaminophen) GoTabs™ Chewable Tablets. We appreciate your loyal use of our Extra Strength TYLENOL® (acetaminophen) GoTabs™ Chewable Tablets over the past year. However, we recently made the decision to discontinue this product. This was a business decision based on competing priorities and consumer acceptance. We continue to manufacture Extra Strength TYLENOL (R) Rapid Release Gels, Caplets, Cool Caplets, EZ Tabs and Adult Liquid. We hope this information is helpful. We value you as a consumer and we are committed to your satisfaction and trust in our products. Tracey Ely TYLENOL Consumer Relationship Center"

Can you take two 8 hour Tylenol for back pain?

Yes. What I use when I don't feel like using Percocet (or 3) is Tylenol Extra Strength Rapid-Release Gel Tabs. They work fast (within 30 minutes) and are great for back pain. The other OTC med I use is Bayer Back & Body Aspirin. Since I use a LOT of Percocet (120/150 Percocet 10/325's per month for the past 9 years) I don't use Tylenol as much since Percocet is a combination of Tylenol and Oxycodone. However, both of the above OTC meds are strong enough to deal with any breakthrough pain I don't feel the need for using Percocet for. I typically will take 2, and that's the recommended dosage anyway. Others I've recommended the Rapid Release tabs to have told me that they have gotten good results as well. It works fast and last 8 hours. If you read my Supervisor bio toward the bottom, you can get an idea for how bad my back / spine is and the level of opiates that I use. I only use Percocet for breakthrough pain - I have much stronger meds for my primary pain. It may give you some insight as to how effective the 2 meds I mentioned above are for me.

Can rapid combustion be defined as explosion?

Yes. An explosion is a sudden release of energy, like rapid combustion.

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Rapid Fire - 1922 was released on: USA: 16 July 1922

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Rapid Transit - 1925 was released on: USA: 10 March 1925

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In the Rapid-Transit Tunnel - 1903 was released on: USA: March 1903


the vibration of earth produced by the rapid release of energy