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Yes it does. But not to the extent that stronger opioids do. It is much weaker than oxycodone, morphine etc. Constriction of pupils is most common when somebody overdoses on tramadol.

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Q: Does Fentanyl cause pinpoint pupils
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Can lead poisoning cause pinpoint pupils?

Lead poisoning typically does not cause pinpoint pupils. Pinpoint pupils are more commonly associated with opioid overdose or use. Lead poisoning can cause a variety of symptoms, including abdominal pain, fatigue, and cognitive impairment.

Causes of pinpoint pupils?

Bright light (as one natural reason). Opiate based drugs and medications can cause pinpoint pupils.

What can cause bilateral pinpoint pupils?

pontine hemorrhage

Does methamphetemines cause constricted pupils?

no, uppers, acid & ecstacy will dialate your pupils. downers, like heroin and oxy's will constrict "pinpoint" your pupils

Can a haloperidol cause pinpoint pupils and can haloperidol be given to an intoxicated patient that is restless and agitated?

no and no

What can cause you to have pinpoint pupils?

One's pupils get smaller in bright light. An extremely bright light can make the pupils become quite small, like a pinpoint. Special situations which can produce pinpoint pupil other than light are: 1. Opium overdose 2. Organophosphate poisoning 3. Pontine haemorrhage

What are the causes of pinpoint pupils?

Heroin intoxication.

Will melatonin cause pinpoint pupils?

Yes, it does. Especially once it starts to wear off, however, it may depend on the person.

Is there a drug that causes pinpoint pupils?

The drugs that most commonly cause constricted pupils or "Pinpoint" are strong opiods such as Heroin, morphine, oxycodone, or high doses of norco / vicodin.

What illegal drugs cause pinpoint pupils?

Listing them all would be time-consuming so lets put it this way. Drugs can cause a pupil to change in two ways by dilation making the pupil larger or constricting the pupils. Only two drugs constrict the pupils those being opiates and alcohol. So anything but, these can cause the pupils to dilate.

What biological problems does the nerve agent VX cause?

Vomiting. Foaming at the mouth. Uncontrollable muscle movements. Choking on your own fluids. Pinpoint pupils and bloodshot eyes.