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I don't know about Campbell county probation,, but when I was on probation in Orange county CA. I told them about being on suboxone ( I was on 16 to 36mg a day) and it was a big hassle and it turned out the test they gave me 3X a week (sliva test) didn't even test positive for opiates even when I took it within 1 hour of taking the suboxone or later. I would sugest just going ahead and taking the test without telling them. If it tests positive have a doctors note waiting just incase. It wont be as bad as being on drugs.

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I dont know but if you found out please repost and let me know ......good luck

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Q: Does Campbell county KY probation test for suboxone?
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Will suboxone show up in a Florida probation drug test?

Yes, suboxone is a opiate and will show in a drug screen for opiates. Suboxone is not an opiate. It is for opiate dependency its to help with withdrawal If you are prescribed Suboxone you have nothing to worry about in taking a drug test, I take soboxone an I am on probation, an they do not test for that, I am honest with them an tell them I take suboxone.

Do probation officers test for suboxone on a seven panel test?

Yes- and illegal use of suboxone has a side effect of getting you put in jail.

Does Marion County Indiana probation test for suboxone?

yes they can test for alcohol i've been on probation for two yrs the good news is they always use the ethanol test and they have never used the more expensive etg test that is not as reliable and you could fight it in court which i would no matter what

Do most probation departments test for suboxone?

Yes. Buprenorphine (Suboxone) are incorporated into many of the multi-panel tests.

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Does Connecticut probation test for suboxone?

no the only test for amphetamines benzos barbiturates weed opiates so on and so forth but not suboxone but there are special drug test that can detect it but a standard drug test no and that's Monmouth co. NJ probation

Does Suboxone show up on a Georgia probation drug test?

Yes. Suboxone is an opiate class drug (composed of buprenorphine and naloxone). It will screen positive for opiates.

Will suboxone show up in a urine test for probation?

"Suboxone" is a synthetic opiate and will not show up on a traditional drug test (such as career or probation wise) . They have to test specifically for Opiate trases in the urine for it to be detected. So in your case you should be fine. Unless your record shows past misuse of any form or derivitive of any opiate substance.

Does Marion county Indiana probation test for methadone?

yes they do, adult probation in Marion county (Indianapolis) does a 10 panel drug screen, including methadone

Will suboxone show up on Kentucky's probation and parole drug screens?

It depends on what kind of drug test they buy weather they buy the one that already tests for the suboxone or not. Usually the test with the option of checking for suboxone is really expensive so they usually don't but like i said it depends.... GOOD LUCK.

How long does suboxone stay in your urine I have a test for probation and i am not supposed to be taking any will go to the lab and be tested for any chemicals therefor need answer?

I also test for probation and take suboxone everyday! It has NEVER come up positive for anything because suboxone is an opiod not an opiate so unless they are specifically testing for subs you will be fine, I promise. Like I said I have dropped many times and teken them that same morning.

Can you pass instant drug test for suboxone and fail lab test?

NOPE. From personal experience it WILL NOT show up. i have taken the home ones and for probation and i test clean EVERY time. So stop worrying yourself you'll be just fine.