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Q: Do you monitor potassium with lasix and digoxin medications?
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What lab values do you monitor with lasix?

You need to monitor potassium levels because Lasix tends to deplete potassium.

What are the complications of digoxin and lasix when taken together?

lasix leads to hypocalemia which may lead to digoxin toxicty

Does it effect potassium that you take when you take lasix?

Yes, taking Lasix can increase the risk of low potassium levels in the body. This is because Lasix can cause the body to excrete more potassium through urine. It is important to monitor potassium levels and consult with a healthcare provider for appropriate management.

Should 80 mg lasix be given if potassium level is 2.5?

It is not recommended to give Lasix (furosemide) at a dose of 80 mg if the potassium level is already low at 2.5. Lasix can further decrease potassium levels, which can lead to dangerous electrolyte imbalances. It is important to address the low potassium level before giving Lasix or consider adjusting the dose based on the patient's potassium status.

Can lasix furosemide make you dirty for a drug test?

Lasix and furosemide are two different medications. One is a prescription water pill and the other is potassium. On a typical drug screen, no. But if its a specific screen where EVERYTHING is looked at, then yes it will show. However, neither are illegal.

How is taking a diuretic associated with hypokalemia?

some diuretics (like lasix, hydrochlorothiazide) lead to an increased loss of potassium with the urine. In some people this leads to hypokalemia after a usually prolonged interval (months). There are other diuretics and hypertension medications which decrease this effect and with a combination some people can regain a normal potassium balance. (kalium = potassium). Others may have to stop taking it, or, alternatively, take extra potassium.

Why would a physician give a diabetic lasix yet stop rx for potassium which is supposed to be taken when on diuretic medication?

Yes, sometimes when you take a diuretic you need to take potassium to ensure the proper level. However, the doctor will probably do regular blood work to check the potassium levels. If you are taking 20mg of lasix you may not need the potassium. If you are concerned don't be afraid to ask your doctor. Thanks, JM

What is the antidote for Lasix?

Mannitol is used to treat edema. People that suffer the side effect of anaphylaxis shock can use the antidote of epinephrine to counteract the Mannitol.

Can the fluid pill lasix be used to have a clean screen?

There are no magic potions that allow you to use drugs and pass a test. Fluid pills just make you urinate. They don't "clean" your system out. If you don't have a prescription for Lasix, you will harm yourself by taking it as well, as it lowers your blood pressure and depletes potassium from your heart.

What are some types of Loop diuretics?

loop diuretics loop diuretics The Potassium sparing kind. IE. Hydrochlorothiazide with triamterene or "Dyazide."

Edema in hands and feet?

When you have a generalized edema in the body it could probably caused by kidney problem where your kidney failed to eliminates the excessive fluid in your body. Your MD probably will perform a series of lab work to check the function of your kidney such as BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen) and creatinine test, and gives Furosemide (Lasix), a diuretic drug, to pull the fluid out. One of the effects of Lasix, you'll experience increase urination (a good sign). Because Lasix will also pull out important electrolytes (such as potassium), you'll need potassium supplement to prevent a condition known as hypokalemia (low-potassium). When untreated, the fluid will try to find another area of your body to fill-in, and the next will be your lungs which can caused pulmonary edema, which then can caused heart failure.

What is the difference between furosemide and Lasix?

There is no difference between furosemide and Lasix - they are the same medication. Lasix is the brand name for the generic drug furosemide, which is a diuretic used to treat conditions like high blood pressure and edema.