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I believe you can have a period twicw a month while on the shot. I believe the shot can upset your periods in many different ways. I have been off the shot for almost 10 yrs. now and still have a period every 2 weeks and my periods used to be like clockwork. I only took the shot for about 1 year. I don't trust the Depo Provera shot and would not do it.

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Q: Do you have periods twice in one month while on Depo-Provera?
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Has anyone missed several periods while on depoprovera?

That is one of the advantages of this drug.

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While you are pregnant you do not have periods at all.

Is it normal if you had your period twice in one month with only 3 days apart from each other while on birth control?

If you just started the pill, this is quite common. It somtimes takes a while for your body to adjust to the pill and your periods to become regular. If you have been on the pill for some time and your symptoms persist, see your doctor.

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While there is no limit it is not recommended that you take it more than twice a month.

Is it normal to have a period twice in one month and two weeks apart but the second one was a lot shorter then your normal period?

you were probably just spotting. if you haven't had very many periods before, you may have some close together, and some far apart. it takes a while for them to get regular

I had Implantation 11 days after my period when my periods were irregular then next month they went regular for 3 months now its the 4th month and I'm 1 day late?

the implant will cause iregular periods, give it a while and if it doesnt start on your regular cycle call your doctor.

After taking one depot shot is it normal to have 2 normal periods and then not have one that next month?

Yes ... a lot of people will have their periods completely stop while on Depo. It is considered a normal side effect of the shot.

I used to have regular periods until one month it never came i was put on birth control to regulate them i have had on time periods on bc will this continue off bc and how likely is it?

Every girl is different so it could vary...but in this situation i don't think you would have regular periods for a while...

What does two periods in one month mean while trying to conceive?

It means that you need to stop trying to conceive and learn the basics of how your reproductive system works. You don't get two periods in one month, unless you're looking at one at the start of the month and one at the end of the month due to a cycle under 30 days, not all vaginal bleeding is menstruation. Trying to conceive does not change your cycle so that's irrelevant.

What does it mean if you have your period twice in one month and am not in your first two years?

If a woman's body weight drops too low their body will stop producing periods/ovulating... when they begin again their periods might be erratic, and might have more than one a month for a while because the body is trying to get the hormones back on the correct cycle. It should even out after a couple of months. We need to have some body fat on us or our bodies can't function, so if it weight, make sure to eat plenty enough. Also, between the ages of 10-14 girls periods can come and go several times... so can skip an entire year, and then 2 in one month... same reason... trying to get the chemicals/hormones on the right cycle.

Is it normal to get your period twice within the month?

Having two periods in one month can sometimes happen due to factors like hormonal fluctuations, stress, or changes in birth control. While it can be common occasionally, if it becomes a regular occurrence, it's best to consult a healthcare provider to rule out any underlying issues.

Can you be pregnant while nursing your 13 month old and experiencing two light periods that looked red and brown and then the third period was a brown spot?

Yes - take a test