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You can get the IUD inserted anytime the health care provider can be reasonably sure you're not pregnant.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

You may have spotting or irregular bleeding in the first few months of using Mirena; after that, most women have no period or rare bleeding or spotting for the life of the device.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

Pregnancy on Mirena is unlikely. Pregnancy with a period is unlikely. Pregnancy on Mirena with a period is very unlikely.

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Q: Do you get a period if you're on mirena?
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Can you ovulate without having a period since the removal of Mirena?

Yes, after Mirena is removed, you will ovulate about 14 days before you have your first period.

Is heavy bleeding and clots after Mirena removal the first period?

Removal of Mirena in itself does not cause heavy bleeding and clots. Such symptoms are likely your period.

What does it mean when a womans period is dark brown on the Mirena?

The color of uterine bleeding on Mirena has no clinical signficance. It means nothing.

Is it ok not to get your period at all when you have the Mirena IUD?

Completely normal. One of the ways Mirena works is by thinning the lining of your uterine walls, which are what causes your period. It will lighten your period by around 90%. In some women it goes away completely. S

Why haven't i started my period?

It depends on your age. If youre below 9 you wont get your period, but if youre above 8 then its possible to get a period.

I had a period oct 15 which was reglaur and now i had a period for one day nov 8th why what is wrong?

If you dont get youre period on youre date can u be pregnant?

Could i be pregnant i have sore heavy breasts headachs back ach cramps feel very tired i came on my period 2 days early an it is different to my last one it is very light i feel i have a temperature.?

when you have your period, that means youre not pregnant. when you have your period, that means youre not pregnant. when you have your period, that means youre not pregnant. when you have your period, that means youre not pregnant.

IUD Mirena and have a period is there a way to stop it wanting to go on vacation period falls on that week can you take birth control the same week with the IUD?

yes, taking combined hormonal contraceptives could allow you to stop bleeding with mirena.

How long until you get youre period after you finished youre period?

A cycle lasts 28 days so count 28 days from the first day of your last period

Do you have period when you have IUD?

If you have the copper IUD (Paragard in the US), you will get a period. If you have the Mirena IUD, containing progestin, your period will likely stop after a few months of irregular bleeding.

Why haven't i gotten my period for two months?

Why haven't i gotten my period for two months? can it be do to stress? or something else? i have the mirena... for a year now....

Had mirena removed started NuvaRing where's my period?

It's not surprising that you would have a very light period, even to the point of seeing no bleeding, after changing from Mirena to NuvaRing. Any hormonal birth control lightens withdrawal bleeding and may cause a missed period. If you're worried about pregnancy, take a test.