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They worked for me, but I also stopped smoking for 9 days before the test. So was it abstinence, or the drink, or both? I don't know. It's worth a try, especially if you cannot postpone the test until you are clean. But obviously, the smart thing to do is to abstain from marijuana for as long as possible before the test.

The product I used was called Herbal Clean, but I didn't buy it at GNC. It was a non-chain store in Hell's Kitchen, New York City.

I just told the salesperson, "I have a drug test, I smoke marijuana, do you have any products for that?" and he went and got it for me. But I was reading a blog on some website, and a person said that he went into GNC for one of those drinks, and as soon as he said the words "drug test" the salesperson said she couldn't help because what he was asking for was illegal.

So, just in case you run into a salesperson like that, who is totally uncool, don't mention anything about drug tests. Just say, "I need something to cleanse my system, do you have any Herbal Clean?"

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13y ago

I tried this product a few times years ago and I passed everytime. now with that said be smart give yourself a few days to clean up and drinks lots water or green tea in that time. I personally recomend the omni over the total eclipse crap gnc carries ive failed 2 tests on that.

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Q: Do the GNC detox drinks work?
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This is a classic example of "begging the question" you presume that detox drinks actually do work.

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There is a2 week detox system that can be purchased from gnc. And also a 2 day detox drink

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Detox drinks such as Champs Flush can be used when there is enough time to use dilution cleansing. It does not work forever though. Detox drinks only work temporarily for a period of 2 to 4 hours depending on body weight and individual metabolism.

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detox drinks are a money making scheme/// never trust them best practice is to not do drugs if you know you are going to be tested.

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Yes, detox drinks can cause you to withdraw while on methadone.

How lone for morphine to get out of you system?

Drink detox from GNC and youre clean for 24 hrs

How do you clean marijuana out your system in 12 hours?

Go to GNC and buy a detox kit.

What detox drinks work for THC test?

Water, lots of water. You should wait 3 weeks for full detox. Also exercising would help.

Where can you buy total eclipse rely detox drink?

You can buy it at GNC or sometimes a smoke shop.

Do detox drinks work for oxycodone in a urine test?

no, none I am aware of and I am pretty aware... some will work for marijuana such as Herbal Cleanse