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yeah, this is not an issue.

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Q: Do not drink alcohol with medication as it may intensify?
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Can you drink alcohol while taking Propylthiouracil?

Propylthiouracil is a drug that may be prescribed by a doctor for the treatment of an overactive thyroid gland. No, you should not drink alcohol while taking this medication because it may cause sedation or confusion.

Is it ok to drink a glass of wine when taking diuretics?

Every time you take medication is best not to comsume alcohol of any type as it may have a severe reaction with the medication.

Can doctors not give you medication because you drink?

A doctor may warn you that alcohol can interfere with the medication you need, and if the consequences are potentially fatal and he doesn't believe you'll stop drinking, he might not give you that particular medication.

Can you use gen ciprofloxacin with alcohol?

To receive maximum benefit from the medication you should not drink alcohol One drink per day however, may not cause a problem. You should speak to your physician if you are a heavy drinker and cannot abstain for the course of your treatment

Can you use gen-ciprofloxacin with alcohol?

To receive maximum benefit from the medication you should not drink alcohol One drink per day however, may not cause a problem. You should speak to your physician if you are a heavy drinker and cannot abstain for the course of your treatment

Can you drink alcohol with cefdinir?

It is not recommended that you consume alcohol when taking Cefdinir because alcohol will increase the side effects of the medication. For example you would get really drowsy and really dizzy. It would not kill you but it is still very unsafe. Also Cefdinir and alcohol are both depressants, combining two depressants is generally a bad thing to do. There have been cases where people combine depressants with alcohol and the people ended up hurting themselves. Also the medication slows the rate the alcohol is broken down by your liver as both of the drugs get broken down by your liver. So it isn't a good idea to drink alcohol with Cefdinir.

What does Glycopyrrolate do to you?

it may cause you drowsiness and dizziness. Alcohol May Intensify this effect. Use care when operating a car or dangerous machines.

Can you drink alcohol with epilepsy?

It is not always recommended, but lots of people with epilepsy do drink alcohol. There are many causes of seizures, so different people are affected by different things that can trigger their seizures. There is also the consideration of medication that people may be on. Each case is different. So some people can drink alcohol and others should not. It is best to consult with a doctor.

Can drink alcohol while taking cefdinir?

Using alcohol and this medication may cause abdominal or stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness or light-headedness, shortness of breath, sweating, or facial flushing.

May medication used in treating bipolar disorder and alcohol ever be consumed together safely?

No medication can be safely taken when consuming alcohol because alcohol impairs judgement and that can lead to misdosing and or drug interactions that cause further impairment. ANd, if you are bipolar, you should not be drinking alcohol anyway, Maybe try and figure out why you want a drink when that is a contriutor to bipolar and will make it worse.

Can you drink while taking perscribed deltacortril enteric steriods?

It is not advisable to drink while taking prescribed deltacortril enteric steroids. Alcohol in most cases reacts with medication and the desired effect may not be achieved.

Can you drink some wine if you are having the drug capacitabina?

It is not recommended to drink alcohol while taking drug capacitabina as it may increase the risk of side effects such as drowsiness, dizziness, or impaired coordination. It is best to consult with a healthcare provider for specific advice on alcohol consumption while taking this medication.