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Q: Do marijuana seeds test positive for THC?
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Related questions

What else besides marijuana or hash will cause a positive THC test?

poppy seeds

Will hydrocondone show positive for THC on a drug test?

No. THC is marijuana

What foods could test positive for THC?

Poppy seed will NOT give a positive result for THC, but for opiates. The only "foods" that contain THC are the types where marijuana weed has been added such as brownies. There are no foods that naturally contain THC. So, no, you're not going to be able to talk your way out of a positive urine drug test. just stay clean

Will you show positive on a drug test for THC from touching marijuana?


Does k2 test positive for THC while spice does not?

Neither test positive for Marijuana, the active ingredient is synthetic

What drugs show t hc on a drug test?

I'm assuming you mean THC, Tetrahydrocannabinol, which is the chemical in Marijuana. So marijuana is the only drug that will test positive for THC.

What chemical in marijuana makes you pop positive on a drug test?

Tetrahydrocannabinol aka THC.

What will make you test positive for Marijuana?

Consuming products containing THC, the psychoactive compound in marijuana, will make you test positive for marijuana in drug tests. This includes smoking marijuana, consuming edibles or oils containing THC, or being exposed to secondhand smoke in a confined space.

Can you come out positvie for marijuana threw semon?

No, you can't test positive for THC through semen.

Will taking oxcarbazepine make you test positive for marijuana?

no. trileptal does not have the drug THC as one of its components.

Does Aleve give false positive for THC?

Yes. For Aleve. If you are looking to explain your positive rood test, forget it.

Will eating poppy seed muffins affect a drug test?

Worse. It doesn't show up for marijuana, but it does show up for heroin. So if you eat a poppy seed muffin you will now test positive for heroin for a little while. (This is no joke it has been tested and proven)