

Best Answer

Activated Charcoal is used by emergency services to absorb poisons and overdoses in the Gastrointestinal tract. Since the THC isn't in your stomach, intestines or bowels, the only thing it will do is make you poop black and vomit.

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Q: Do charcoal pills clean your urine?
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How long does activated charcoal take to clean drugs out of your urine?

it won't

Can cranberry pills clean crack out of your urine in 24 hours?

No. All it'll do is clean money out of your wallet.

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Can charcoal pills change when your period starts?

No, charcoal pills have no impact on when your period starts.Your period is controlled by your menstrual cycle and hormones - not charcoal.

What are some risks of charcoal pills?

Charcoal pills are fairly harmless because your intestines do not absorb the charcoal, however charcoal can absorb medicines you are taking, making them less effective or ineffective.

Do cranberry pills clean opiates out of urine for testing?

No, just make you pee more often

Are charcoal pills over the counter?

Powdered activated charcoal and a binder.

How long does it take detox pills to clean your urine for a drug test for marijuana?

Detox pills vary in effectiveness and can take 1-7 days to clean your urine for a drug test. It's important to note that the best way to pass a drug test is to abstain from drug use.

Does amoxicillin clean your urine of illegal drugs?

get may interfere with birth control pills tho so be careful

Does caffeine clean THC out of urine?

It does not clean out urine.

What pills clean your system out?

niacin pills

How long does activated charcoal take to clean marijuana out of your urine?

Activated charcoal is not effective in cleaning marijuana out of urine. The best way to eliminate marijuana from your system is to allow time for your body to metabolize and excrete it. The duration can vary based on factors such as metabolism, frequency of use, and amount consumed.