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When an individual takes such an antibiotic, it kills a large number of bacteria normally found in the intestine. Because these bacteria produce vitamin K, their elimination substantially decreases the amount of vitamin K that is available to the liver for the production of prothrombin, a procoagulant that is vital to clotting reactions. With decreased amounts of prothrombin in the blood , normal daily injuries such as breaks in the vessels in the nasal passageways, which are normally sealed off quickly by coagulation, do not seal off as quickly, producing the effect of noseblees.

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Q: Do broad spectrum antibiotics cause nosebleeds?
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Differentiate between broad-spectrum and narrow-spectrum antibiotics?

A broad-spectrum antibiotic acts against many different kinds of disease-causing bacteria, including both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. A narrow-spectrum antibiotic acts only against specific families of bacteria.

How do broad-spectrum antibiotics work?

The Broad Spectrum Antibiotics -are any of a variety of substances, usually obtained from microorganisms, that inhibit the growth of or destroy certain other microorganisms.The great number of diverse antibiotics currently available can be classified in different ways, e.g., by their chemical structure, their microbial origin, or their mode of action.They are also frequently designated by their effective range. Tetracycline is the most widely used broad-spectrum antibiotics, are effective against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, as well as against rickettsia (any of a group of parasitic bacteria that live in the tissues of ticks, mites, and other arthropods, and cause disease when transmitted to man and other animals) and psittacosis-causing organisms. Ciprofloxacin (Cipro) is another broad spectrum antibiotic, effective in the treatment of mild infections of the urinary tract and sinuses. The medium-spectrum antibiotics bacitracin, the Erythromycin, penicillin, and the Cephalosporins (any of a group of broad-spectrum antibiotics obtained from fungi of the genus Cephalosporium) are effective primarily against Gram-positive bacteria, although the streptomycin group is effective against some Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. Polymixin are narrow-spectrum antibiotics effective against only a few species of bacteria.

What are the causes of c diff infection?

C Diff is the biggest cause of diarrhea in the United States. It can be caused by a bacteria and more prevalent if you are sick, taking antibiotics or older in age. You will treatment with a broad spectrum antibiotic.

Broad-spectrum drugs that disrupt the body's normal flora often cause?


What pathogens does antibiotics kill?

Broad spectrum antibiotics do kill all bacteria. They are effective against gram- and gram + bacteria. They will even kill the normal "good" bacteria that your body has naturally inside of you, which may cause other infections later on. This kind of antibiotic is important in life threatening situations when identification if the bacteria can't be accomplished. Narrow spectrum antibiotics can only kill a limited range of bacteria. You would need to know what kind of bacteria you are dealing with if you use this kind. So, basicly not all antibiotics work to kill all bacteria only the broad spectrum ones, and these should be used with caution.

Can an STD cause nosebleeds?

There are no STDs with nosebleeds as a symptom. See your health care provider if nosebleeds are a problem for you, and get screened for STDs since you're concerned.

What diseases are cause by antibiotics?

You can get the pseudo-membranous enterocolitis due to use of broad spectrum antibiotics. You can get permanent deafness and/or vertigo and nephrotoxicity due to injudicious use of aminoglycosides like gentamicin, streptomycin, tobramycin, kanamicin and amikacin. You can get yellow coloured teeth due to use of tetracyclines during pregnancy and in children below the eight years of age. You can get thrush in mouth and in vagina due to use of some antibiotics.

What is the effect of fluoroquinolones on cardiac arrhythmia?

This drug (a broad spectrum antibiotic) can change the QT interval and that can cause arrhythmia.

Can sports cause nosebleeds?

Not really the sport,but, the rising blood pressure

Can you get nose bleeds from being tired?

No.ANS2:Certain diseases and some vitamin deficiencies, such as vitamins K and C, will cause you to feel tired and will also dispose you to nosebleeds. Regular nosebleeds may deplete your iron and cause you to feel tired.

Can antibiotics cause addiction?

Antibiotics aren't addictive so no they can't cause addiction.

Can you use ciprofoxacin to treat yeast infection?

As you know Bactrim (sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim) is an antibiotic used to treat yeast infections, urinary tract and ear infections.Here is a research that i found on the internet about this topic:Yeast infections are becoming more and more common nowadays and part of the reason for that is antibiotics. There are tow types of antibiotics, narrow spectrum that target one type of bacteria and broad spectrum that target a range. The latter type of antibiotics cause yeast infections.So as a bottom line treat your yeast infection from the 1st symptoms and try to prevent these kind of infection because you will be the only one to suffer.